

Τhe Ministry of Migration and Asylum in collaboration with ΙΟΜ are implementing an action of developmental nature which aims at the promotion of social integration and raising awareness among beneficiaries of international protection residing in accommodations sites through capacity building and their inclusion into a holistic framework of civil protection.  

Beneficiaries of the project will have an increased capacity to respond to emergencies. This action – the only one of its kind in an EU member state, under the educational and operational management of the Fire Brigade Headquarters, contributes to the promotion of a holistic approach to the preparedness and management of civil protection, according to European standards, while supporting the integration of the migrant population into the local communities, strengthening their contact with the competent authorities, as required on a case-by-case basis (e.g. Fire Brigade, Police, etc.). 

The action is implemented in the framework of National Recovery and Resilience Greece 2.0 with the funding of the European Union –NextGenerationEU. 


  • Increased access of beneficiaries and relevant stakeholders to information material on emergency preparedness and disasters.
  • Enhancing the training and familiarization of the beneficiaries with everyday life issues in order to respond in an immediate and effective way to emergencies/ natural disasters.


  • Language - Cultural mediation training 

  • Basic emergency response training 

  • Field exercises including scenarios of urban and forest fire, rescue and evacuation 

  • Training for trainers 


  • 4 emergency teams in the sites of Samos, Malakasa, Ritsona, and Schistos 

  • 3 groups of trainers – recognized refugees 

  • 16 field exercises 

  • 256 hours of training 

  • 160 hours of learning Greek language 

  • 102 beneficiaries in basic training courses 

  • 50 trainers  (46 women, 11 nationalities, 15 European and national historical records)



The action is implemented in the framework of National Recovery and Resilience Greece 2.0 with the funding of the European Union – NextGenerationEU.