
Afghan Women in Ritsona Unite their Voices Through Art

Equipped with talent, the Afghan women and teenagers of Ritsona give color to their daily life through art, music and poetry. Organizing the #AfghanWomenMatter initiative, they extend an invitation to the society of Chalkida to share their thoughts and feelings through art, theater, painting and poetry for the first time.

The event will take place on Friday and Saturday, 8 & 9 October 2021, from 12:00 pm to 10:00 pm, in the Aristotle Hall (formerly Byzantino, 15 Farmakidou), on the beach of Chalkida and includes a painting exhibition, poetry readings, a short theatrical event, music from Afghanistan and open discussions with the audience, in the presence of an interpreter.

The aim of the event is to initiate an intercultural dialogue between women and adolescents living in the open accommodation of Ritsona with the local community.

The women’s team organizing the event is supported by the International Organization for Migration and the “Supporting the Greek Authorities in Managing the National Reception System for Asylum Seekers and Vulnerable Migrants (SMS)” project - funded by the European Commission (DG HOME), by SolidarityNow, the Education Coordinators of Ritsona and the 2nd High School of Chalkida.

The organizers would like to especially thank the Chalkida Municipality's Sports, Culture and Environment Organization (ΔΟΑΠΠΕΧ) for the provision of the Aristotle Hall.


SDG 3 - Good Health and Well Being