
Αnnouncement on the first group of recognized refugees moving from Lesvos to the Greek mainland as HELIOS beneficiaries

Αnnouncement on the first group of recognized refugees moving from Lesvos to the Greek mainland as HELIOS beneficiaries

28 September 2020




The International Organization for Migration (IOM), in coordination with the Ministry of Migration and Asylum and with the funding of Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission (DG HOME), is supporting the transfer of beneficiaries of international protection (recognized refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection) from Lesvos to the mainland in the scope of the Government’s endeavors to decongest the island. The first group of beneficiaries is scheduled to leave the island today.


HELIOS teams are working on the island in order to ensure that all eligible beneficiaries have the opportunity to join HELIOS and benefit from the pilot program that offers temporary accommodation in the mainland, as it was announced last week by the Minister of Migration and Asylum, Notis Mitarachi. The EU funded HELIOS pilot scheme will offer beneficiaries accommodation and administrative support for two months in order for beneficiaries to find long - term accommodation in apartments that will be rented in their names as part of their integration pathway into the Greek community.


For more information please contact:   

Christine Nikοlaidou, IOM Greeece,, +30 210 99 19 040, ext 248