
EU Relocation Scheme: French Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve visits pre – departure cultural orientation session

EU Relocation Scheme: French Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve visits pre – departure cultural orientation session


Press Release





French Prime Minister, Mr. Bernard Cazeneuve accompanied by Mr. Mouzalas and Mr. Esdras attended the cultural orientation session organized by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the French Office for Immigration and Integration (OFII) and the French Embassy in Greece, to the benefit of 111 asylum seekers planned to be relocated to France in March. They interacted briefly with the asylum seekers and the staff.


“I would like to thank the Republic of France for being here today through its Prime Minister. Today’s occasion is another act of great aid by the French Republic towards the refugees as well as towards our country, Greece. This fact becomes even more important if we consider that France has been relentlessly hit by jihadists and terrorists and, nevertheless, it keeps on abiding to the EU directives regarding the relocation of refugees. I believe that Europe should be grateful towards France for this particular act and the symbolism that it carries”, said Ioannis Mouzalas, Minister of Migration Policy.

Since the beginning of the implementation of EU Relocation Scheme, France has transferred 2,483 asylum seekers. France is the top relocation EU member state participating in the programme.

IOM, the French Liaison Officer and the Embassy in Athens stay in close co-operation organizing pre-departure orientation sessions to help prepare the group for this life-changing adjustment. Sessions include a basic introduction to the French language, the values of the French Republic and French society, and useful information on their initial post-arrival reception and early integration assistance.


“The visit of French Prime Minister ascertains the excellent partnership between France and Greece in the implementation of the EU Relocation Scheme through IOM. From the beginning of the programme, IOM Greece and the French authorities have been working together in the best interest of the asylum seekers who are given the opportunity of a new beginning in Europe”, said Daniel Esdras, Chief of IOM Mission in Greece.

Upon their arrival in France, the French Office for Immigration and Integration, which receives support from IOM France, organizes the asylum seekers’ transportation to the reception centres where they are accommodated during the asylum procedure.


Through the programme, IOM provides substantial support to the Government of Greece in relocating asylum seekers in need of international protection from Greece to other EU Member States.

The EU Relocation programme is implemented by IOM with the continuing support of the European Commission, European Union Member States and other partners and is funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union Emergency Funds.

For more information on the EU Relocation Programme please visit