
IOM: 170.553 migrants/refugees have arrived in Greece in 2016

IOM: 170.553 migrants/refugees have arrived in Greece in 2016



Press Release


IOM reports that 363.808 migrants and refugees entered Europe in 2016 through 13 November, arriving mostly in Greece and Italy. 341.055 of them have arrived by sea 22.753 by crossing land borders. Until the 13th of November, 170.553 migrants/refugees have arrived in Greece while 164.868 have reached Italy as of 9 November 2016.

According to IOM Greece, 393 news arrivals were registered on 7-13 November 2016, slightly lower than the arrivals on 31 October - 6 November 2016 (454).

Additionally and according to the updated data provided by the IOM, through November 13, 2016, an estimated 4,271 people had been reported missing or dead after trying to make the Mediterranean crossing. This is 749 more migrant deaths than the 3,522 recorded during the same period in 2015.

Press Release