
IOM: Career Day in Heraklion Crete

The International Organization for Migration in collaboration with the Municipality of Heraklion, Crete, under the framework of the integration program HELIOS and with the funding of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, is organizing a career day "Career4all" in Heraklion, Crete on May 26.

The initiative aims at enhancing the equal access of refugees and migrants to the local labor market and the matching of private organizations and employers with potential employees. In addition, both initiatives are of inclusive and integration character, thus they will be open to all interested locals and foreigners looking for a job.

In Heraklion, Crete, IOM joins forces with the Municipality of Heraklion, the Municipal Development agency, the Migrant Integration Center and the Council of Migrants and Refugees of the Municipality. The HELIOS implementation partner, Ploigos, will also be present at the organizing committee. The event will take place at the Cultural Conference Center of Heraklion.

As part of the "Career4all" in Heraklion, in parallel with the candidates’ interviews with employers looking for workforce, an educational conference will be held, where organizations and business representatives will present the local economy and its employment opportunities.

The career day will be realized with the participation of companies and organizations, which will have the opportunity to be informed by the International Organization for Migration on legal issues of access of the migrant and refugee population to the labor market.

As part of the HELIOS Project implemented by the International Organization for Migration, with funding from the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, a series of initiatives bringing together employers with potential candidates have been carried out in 2022, such as a corresponding event in Karditsa as well as a career week focusing on hospitality and tourism in Athens and Thessaloniki in which more than 300 candidates and at least 30 companies from all over Greece participated.


A few words about the HELIOS project

The HELIOS Integration Project, implemented throughout Greece by the International Organization for Migration and funded by the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, aims to promote and support the integration of beneficiaries of International Protection into the Greek society. The initiatives and pillars of the project focus on integration courses, supporting the housing and employment of the beneficiaries, monitoring their integration process, and raising the awareness amongst host communities.

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SDG 4 - Quality Education
SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth