
IOM, EU and Greek authorities worked together to enhance integration policies in Greece

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) announces the completion of the EU - funded project, Technical Support for the Implementation of Integration Policies and Programmes (TESIP), which supported the Social Integration Directorate of the Greek Ministry of Migration and Asylum in the enhancement of national integration policies towards migrants in Greece.

The project contributed to streamlining and strengthening integration actions at national and local level, in accordance with the National Integration Strategy.

TESIP also resulted in the launch of the Integrated Action Programme for Social Integration (IAPSI), under the overall coordination of the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, and with the active engagement of relevant integration stakeholders.

This resulted in the effective knowledge management and goals’ consistency across integration programmes implemented in Greece, while at the same time took note of good practices and lessons learnt by relevant integration initiatives at the EU and international level.

The project is funded by The European Union through the Structural Reform Support Programme and implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in cooperation with the European Commission (DG REFORM).

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