
IOM Greece at Elliniko camp

IOM Greece at Elliniko camp

Athens, 2/6/2017


Press Release


The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is present at Elliniko camp in Athens, to support the Ministry of Migration Policy in the voluntary evacuation of the unofficial site, where approximately 600 migrants and refugees -the vast majority of them Afghans- have been living for the last months.

During the past week IOM’s protection teams and cultural mediators have been counselling residents of the baseball and hockey fields and the Arrivals building, assessing also their needs and vulnerabilities and informing them on their legal rights and their future accommodation options. Detailed information has been provided regarding transportation, location and services available at each accommodation centre identified by the Ministry for Migration Policy for their re-location.

IOM teams conducted a new registration of those interested to voluntary travel to the identified accommodation sites and in close coordination with the Ministry for Migration Policy, referred vulnerable cases to relevant institutions ensuring continuing access to ongoing services and support.

IOM endorses the evacuation of any unofficial sites where the security and living conditions of migrants and refugees are not ensured. IOM reiterates its intervention is limited to assist those that are willing to voluntary travel to official accommodation sites, including Thiva and Kavala.


For further information please contact:

Christine Nikolaidou at IOM Greece, Tel. +30 210-9919040 ext 248,


Press Release