
IOM has provided accommodation and protection to over 650 unaccompanied children in 2022

Athens - The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Greece’s Special Secretariat for the Protection of unaccompanied minors (SSPUAM) announced today (09/06) that 668 unaccompanied children living in insecure conditions in Greece have received immediate protection and accommodation services to date in 2022.

The IOM emergency accommodation facilities operating under the National Emergency Response Mechanism for unaccompanied minors are coordinated by the SSPUAM in collaboration with UNHCR, Arsis, the Network for Children’s Rights and METAdrasi.

Among the children placed at the emergency accommodation facilities, 247 were identified as homeless, 128 were detected by the Greek authorities and 121 were in reception and identification centers (RICs).

Since the beginning of 2022 and with the funding from the Hellenic Ministry of Migration and Asylum through a donation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, IOM is operating five emergency accommodation facilities where the Organization provides individualized and targeted protection services to the children. Among them are 618 boys and 50 girls mainly originating from Pakistan (194), Afghanistan (174) and Somalia (141) origin*.

IOM’s specialized staff ensures that all children referred to the emergency accommodation facilities receive medical examinations, assessment of their best interest, and the provision of all services which are required for their care and protection. In addition, psychosocial sessions are conducted, and the accommodated children are participating in educational and recreational activities daily.

Following the children’s transfer to the emergency accommodation facilities, the SSPUAM, with the support of IOM, have to date ensured the identification of durable solutions for 465 children: 409 were referred to long term shelters; two to semi-independent living facilities; 43 were enrolled in adulthood schemes; ten were reconnected with their families; and one was relocated to another European country.

The children were traced and referred to the 24/7 tracing line of SSPUAM mainly by the Greek authorities and the implementing partners, Arsis and the Network for Children’s Rights (through mobile units and Info Desks), but also by other field actors.



Total Per Country











Other countries





For more information, please contact: IOM Greece Media Department, 210 – 9919040 ext. 248 &

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