
IOM Information Campaign on the islands of the North-East Aegean

IOM Information Campaign on the islands of the North-East Aegean



Press release


On Tuesday, November 22, members of the Greek Mission of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) will be located on Lesvos Island, in the context of the program "The implementation of assisted voluntary returns including reintegration measures."

IOM Greece carries out an information campaign on the islands of the North Sea in order to discuss and broaden ways of cooperation with local authorities and representatives of civil society. The campaign aims to continue the successful implementation of the program.

Present will be in the island of Lesvos, will be Chief of IOM mission in Greece, Daniel Esdras, accompanied by members of the organization, who will participate in a panel discussion focused on the benefits and program processes. Welcome speeches will be given by Head of the Region of North Aegean, Christiana Kalogirou, Alternate General Secretary of the Ministry of Interior, Tzanetos Filippakos, General Secretary of Reception from the Ministry of Migration Policy, Anastasios Salteris, and Head of Aliens and Border Protection Branch & General Coordinator of the National Coordinating Center of border control and asylum, Police Major General Emmanouil Grigorakis.

IOM office in Greece plays an important role on the world map of Voluntary Return and Reintegration programs, having helped more than 30,000 third-country nationals to return home in safety and dignity since 2010. In addition, during this year and until October 31, 5.257 third country nationals have voluntarily returned to their countries of origin.

The program is implemented by IOM Greece in cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior, financed by 75% by European funds (Fund Asylum, Immigration and Integration) and 25% by national resources.


Press Release

Invitation and  program of the event