
IOM: Information event in the framework of the Programme “The Implementation of Assisted Voluntary Returns including Reintegration Measures”

IOM: Information event in the framework of the Programme “The Implementation of Assisted Voluntary Returns including Reintegration Measures”

Press Release



4,715 third-country nationals have returned to their countries of origin in safety and dignity in the period between June 1st 2016 and 15 March 2017 through the Programme “ The Implementation of Assisted Voluntary Returns including Reintegration Measures” implemented by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) under the Greek National Programme of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. 174 of the total belong to vulnerable groups: 75 received medical assistance and 43 were Unaccompanied Minors. During the same period, 5,995 third-country nationals have been registered to the programme.

“Since June 2016 a big number of migrants have returned voluntarily to their country of origin. This is very important, because those people returned home with safety, where IOM is welcoming them and supporting them with the re-integration procedure”, said Giannis Mouzalas Minister of Migration Policy in the framework of the information event held in the Greek Secretariat General for Media and Communication. Moreover, Pakistan tops the list of countries of origin with 1,117 voluntary returns, followed by Iraq (918), Afghanistan (871), Georgia (456) and Algeria with 338 voluntary returns. The abovementioned data correspond to the period between June 2016 and March 15, 2017.

During the same period, out of the total 4,715 returnees, 823 have been registered to the programme on the islands – Lesvos (385), Chios (128), Samos (128), Crete (101), Kos (43) and Leros (38). “IOM is focused on the principals deriving from the International Law, on the protection of the migrants and on their safe transportation. Furthermore the coordination between the Greek Police and IOM has become stronger with very positive results”, mentioned Tzanetos Filippakos, Alternate General Secretary of Ministry of Interior. In the context of the reintegration measures, from June 1st 2016 to February 28th 2017, 755 third-country nationals have benefited from the reintegration assistance in kind, 392 of whom were from Pakistan and 176 were from Georgia. At the same time, between the 1st and the 15th of March 2017, 15 returnees have benefited from reintegration assistance in kind.

IOM Greece chief of Mission, Daniel Esdras, underlined the significance of cooperation with Embassies and Consulates. “We have an excellent cooperation with all Embassies and Consulates, they all really support us because they believe in someone’s right to return voluntarily to his country of origin.” The “Implementation of Assisted Voluntary Returns including Reintegration Measures”, funded by EU Funds (75% from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund) and National Funds (25% from the Ministry of Interior), began in June 1st 2016 and it is expected to be completed in May 2019. The goal of the Programme is the voluntary return of at least 16,200 third-country nationals to their countries of origin and the support, through reintegration assistance, of 5,100 beneficiaries.

“The European Union supports financially the project because it is very important for us to help those people to return home with safety”, said Ioannis Hadjiyiannis from Structural Reforms Support Programme of the European Commission. IOM mission in Greece plays a significant  part, globally, in the implementation of the Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programmes, given that since 2010, it has assisted more than 36,550 third-country nationals to return to their homelands with safety and dignity. At the same time, it has supported more than 3,800 returnees to successfully complete personalized reintegration plans in terms of sustainability for themselves and their families.


Press Release