
IOM statement about Vrasna incident

IOM statement about Vrasna incident

Athens, 23 October 2019





IOM is expressing concern about the violent incidents that took place in the area of Vrasna in Northern Greece, where part of the local population reacted to the transfer of vulnerable migrants from the island of Samos to temporary accommodation facilities.

During last years and until today, Greece has shown a remarkable attitude vis a vis migrants. Every day we have sincere examples from the Greek society and the local communities of solidarity and respect towards refugee and migrant population. 

IOM considers last night events as an isolated incident, but calls on all government and non - government actors to work together in order to avoid similar situations might happen again.


For more information please contact Christine Nikolaidou at IOM Greece. Email:, Tel:+30 210 – 9919040 ext. 248 
