
Visit to the Accommodation Center for migrants and refugees in Thiva

Visit to the Accommodation Center for migrants and refugees in Thiva

Press Release




On Tuesday, March 14 a joint delegation conducted a visit to the Long Term Accommodation Center for migrants and refugees in Thiva, Central Greece in order to assess the progress of reconstruction works financed by the European Commission Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO).

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) was represented by the Deputy Director General Laura Thompson, the Director of IOM’s Regional Office for the EU, Norway and Switzerland Eugenio Ambrosi, the Chief of IOMs Greek Mission Daniel Esdras and senior officers of the Organization. The Greek Minister of Migration Policy (MMP) Ioannis Mouzalas also attended the visit.

Replying to recent press reports referring to the visit as the “opening” of the Accommodation Center in Thiva, IOM clarifies that the official opening of the site will be coordinated with the MMP and DG ECHO and will take place within the next weeks, upon completion of the reconstruction works.

IOM has undertaken the refurbishment and reconstruction works of the Accommodation Center of Thiva with funding from EU Emergency Support, in the framework of the programme “Multi-sectoral Assistance to and Protection of Migrants and Refugees Stranded in Greece”.


For further information, please contact Christine Nikolaidou at IOM Greece, Tel. +30 210-9919040 ext 248, Email:




Press Release