Duration: 01/11/2022 – 30/4/2024

Through these two actions, IOM with the support of the European Commission and the Ministry of Interior of Cyprus, enhances the capacity the Republic of Cyprus in upgrading the First Reception Center (FRC) ‘’Pournara’’. Aiming at improving the reception and living conditions in the FRC and responding to the migratory pressure which is raised over the past years in Cyprus, IOM, the EU and the competent authorities work hand in hand in multiple construction and maintenance works in order to ensure safe temporary accommodation for the migrants arriving in Cyprus.

In accordance with the Standard Operating Procedures (agreed between the Cypriot authorities, the European Commission (EC) and European Union (EU) agencies), the following actions are implemented at Pournara FRC:

1."Upgrading the First Reception Centre in Cyprus (Pournara 2023)", funded by the EU Directorate-General for Home Affairs (DG HOME)

Under the framework of the project, the following interventions are foreseen:

  • Creation of living conditions and means of support for up to 1,240 accommodation places and installation and conformation of accommodation containers for 960 accommodation places.
  • Creation of common WASH facilities, communal spaces for activities and administration offices to fulfil the needs of first reception services procedures.
  • Construction of a temporary accommodation area with 984 places, where residents will be accommodated temporarily while works in the main FRC are ongoing.

2."Complementary Support for the Upgrade of the First Reception Centre in Cyprus (Pournara II), co-funded by the Ministry of Interior of Cyprus and the EU Directorate – General for Home Affairs (DG HOME).

The project contributes to the complete upgrade of the “Pournara” FRC, in parallel with the ongoing project funded by DG HOME, through the following interventions:

  • Additional purchase, delivery and installation of equipment and furniture for the recently renovated premises, accommodation and office units of the FRC.
  • Supply and installation of solar water heaters and air conditioning units.
  • Construction of asphalt pavements in the internal road network of the FRC.
  • Design, construction, installation and connection of the main stormwater pipeline network.
  • Purchase and installation of heating equipment in the recently renovated premises of the temporary accommodation area.