Project Duration: 01/01/2020-30/09/2024


Phase I: Site Operations from 01/01/2020 until 31/12/2021.

Description: IOM supported the National authorities in the management of all long-term accommodation sites in mainland Greece and aimed at ensuring dignified and harmonized reception standards for applicants of international protection. With the support of the European Commission, IOM has developed the intervention and implemented this project in partnership with UNICEF, and other partners such as the Danish Refugee Council Greece (DRC Greece), Arbeiter Samariter Bund (ASB), the Municipality of Athens (through the Athens Development and Destination Management Agency (ADDMA)), ARSIS, the Greek Council for Refugees (GCR), METAdrasi, Zeuxis, Solidarity Now and Terre des Hommes. The project is funded by the Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs of the European Commission (DG HOME).


  • Site Management Support (SMS): Supporting the day-to-day management of the accommodation sites by performing activities such as data management, reception and re allocation, distributions, and care and maintenance.
  • Protection: Supporting vulnerable groups through provision of direct assistance, with special focus on psychosocial and legal support and child protection, as well as the creation of safe spaces for children and women.
  • Interpretation: Providing interpretation services facilitating the communication of migrants with site actors, as well as hospitals.
  • Non-Formal Education: Providing quality learning opportunities to children and youth, through homework support classes for children, educational visits and others.
  • Community Support and Engagement: Facilitating access to accurate and comprehensive information and service mapping, encouraging early integration and social inclusion and promoting the participation of migrants in sports, educational and recreational activities and opportunities in and outside the sites.
  • Unaccompanied Migrant Children: Managing Safe Zones within selected sites through specialized Child Protection Partners to ensure maintenance, provision of food and non-food items, recreational and educational activities and specialized legal and psychosocial support.
  • Technical Assistance to the Greek authorities: On-the-job training and provision of operational support to the Greek authorities to enhance skills and facilitate the handover of services to the Government of Greece.

Phase II: Provision of tailored support to National authorities from 01/01/2022 until 30/09/2024.

Description: IOM continued with the provision of tailored support towards National Authorities through the procurement of equipment, Non-Food Items (NFIs), medicines, medical supplies and equipment, fuel provision, warehouse management and transfers of NFIs and equipment from/to selected locations as well as with the implementation of targeted construction interventions upon request and in coordination with the Reception and Identification Service (RIS).


  • Procurement and Delivery of NFIs, Equipment and medical supplies: Supporting the Greek authorities with the purchase and delivery of NFIs (e.g. linen kits, blankets, hygiene items), medicines/ medical supplies, vehicles and equipment to the sites.
  • Warehouse Management & Logistics support: Providing logistics support for the storage and transfer of goods, equipment and NFIs from/to mainland locations.
  • Provision of fuel: Procurement and delivery of fuel in targeted mainland and island sites (e.g. for hot water, electricity, heating).
  • Construction interventions: Supporting the Greek Authorities with targeted construction works for the improvement of the reception conditions in mainland and selected island sites (e.g. Lesvos).



Γενική Διεύθυνση Μετανάστευσης και Εσωτερικών Υποθέσεων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης (DG HOME)

Related links

SMS Factsheets

This our story - Booklet