Funded by Switzerland, Czech Republic and the Kingdom of the Netherlands. 

Duration: 1 March 2023 – 31 December 2023 

Description: The MERIMNA II project concerns the operation of "Safe Areas" (SA) for unaccompanied migrant children (UMC) in all Reception and Identification Centers and Closed Controlled Access Centers in Lesvos, Chios, Samos, Leros and Kos. The project contribute to national efforts to improve the well-being and access to fundamental rights of UMC arriving to the Greek islands, by ensuring that UMC living in the SAs have access to immediate assistance in line with their best interest.  

The project provide fully-fledged support in the Lesvos SA and minimum support in the other four SAs (Chios, Leros, Kos, Samos). 

In the framework of the project, IOM is collaborating with the NGO Zeuxis as an implementing partner to provide specific services to UMC (on Chios, Samos, Leros and Kos), as well as with the Reception and Identification Service (RIS) and other actors located on these islands. 

The project is expected to contribute to the wellbeing of at least 300 UMCs upon arrival to Greece, guaranteeing their protection and promoting a feeling of safety and inclusion, while at the same time, answering to their immediate needs.  


  • Operation of 5 safe areas for UMCs in RICs of Samos, Lesvos, Leros, Kos, Chios to ensure dignified living conditions, offer necessary assistance in line with each child’s best interest and prevent any protection or other risks. 

Partners: NGO Zeuxis 

Target group(s): UMCs arriving to Greek Islands 

Areas of action: Lesvos, Chios, Samos, Leros, Kos