Funded by the Ministry of Justice and Security of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. 

Duration: 1 January 2024 – 31 December 2024 

Description: The MERIMNA III project is designed to ensure the continuous operation of the "Safe Area" (SA) for unaccompanied migrant children (UMC) in Lesvos, starting from January 1, 2024, to August 31, 2024. Additionally, the project extends its coverage to four other Safe Areas (SAs) in Chios, Leros, Kos, and Samos, effective from January 1, 2024, to January 31, 2024. The initiative further involves the sustained provision of child protection activities in the Reception and Identification Center (RIC) of Evros from January 1, 2024, to March 31, 2024. This strategic approach safeguards the best interests of the child beneficiaries and facilitates the gradual transition of services to the responsibility of the Reception and Identification Service (RIS).

The project aims at enhancing the well-being and securing fundamental rights for UMCs arriving on the Greek islands and the RIC of Evros (Fylakio). By offering comprehensive support in the Lesvos SA and minimal assistance in the other four SAs (Chios, Leros, Kos, Samos), as well as Fylakio RIC, the project ensures UMCs' immediate access to assistance aligned with their best interests and fundamental rights.

Implementing actors - Partnerships

IOM is partnering with the NGO Zeuxis to deliver specific services to UMCs in Chios, Samos, Leros, and Kos. The NGO ARSIS is also an implementing partner, focusing on providing specialized services to UMCs in Fylakio RIC. Moreover, close collaboration is maintained with the Reception and Identification Service (RIS), the General Secretariat of Vulnerable Persons and Institutional Protection (SGVP), and other relevant actors situated on the islands and Evros.

Anticipated outcomes of the project include the improved well-being of at least 400 UMCs upon their arrival in Greece. The project is designed to ensure their protection and foster a sense of safety, inclusion, and responsiveness to their immediate needs. Through these concerted efforts, MERIMNA III seeks to make a meaningful impact on the lives of unaccompanied migrant children in the region.


  • Operation of five Safe Areas (SAs) situated in the Closed Controlled Access Centers (C.C.A.C.) of Samos, Lesvos, Leros, Kos, and Chios. The key objectives are to guarantee dignified living conditions for unaccompanied migrant children (UMCs), provide essential assistance tailored to each child's best interests, and proactively mitigate protection and other associated risks.

Partners: NGO Zeuxis 

Target group(s): UMCs arriving to Greek Islands 

Areas of action: Lesvos, Chios, Samos, Leros, Kos 


  • Presence of IP’s team in Fylakio RIC, to ensure dignified living conditions for the UMC, offer necessary assistance in line with each child’s best interest and prevent any protection or other risks. 


Partners: NGO ARSIS

Target group(s): UMCs arriving to Greek Land Border

Areas of action: Evros