Duration: 1 August 2016 - 31 August 2017

Through this project, migrants understand the RIS procedures and their rights and obligations and they are able to make informed decisions about their future - whether they wish to apply for asylum or they want to return to their countries of origin. The final beneficiaries of the action are the incoming immigrants and refugees, including UAMs, disabled or people suffering from an incurable disease, elderly people, women in pregnancy or childbirth, single parents with minor children, victims of torture, rape or other serious forms of psychological, physical or sexual violence or exploitation, victims of trafficking.

The Operational Unit acting within the premises of the Reception & Identification Center in Lesvos and Samos is consisted of:

  • One Supervisor for each unit (2 in total) to supervise the situation on the spot and coordinate the provision of information in languages that migrants can understand.
  • Three Information Officers (6 in total) to offer information on rights and obligations of TCNs who have just arrived in the country through the blue borders and are being transferred to the Reception & Identification Center (RIC) in order to be registered, screened and provided with any necessary psychological and medical assistance. Information includes their right to apply for international protection, as well as their right to voluntarily return to their country of origin.
  • Three Interpreters (6 in total) in Arabic, Farsi/Dari and Urdu as those are the main languages spoken by the majority of newly arriving migrants at the main entry points of Greece.

Leader: Reception & Identification Service (Ministry of Interior & Administrative Reconstruction).

Description: In the RIC, certain procedures are followed regarding TCNs, including: a) verification of the identity and nationality, b) registration in a national database, c) medical examination and provision of the necessary health care and psychosocial support, d) information about the rights and obligations, in particular, the conditions under which they can be placed under international protection and e) special care for those belonging to vulnerable groups.

Interpretation is an essential and required task in order to establish communication with the TCNs in a language that they understand. Interpreters are the crucial link between the IOM information officers and Reception and Identification Service and the TCNs who have just arrived. They can speak to TCNs and transfer information regarding where they are, what required procedures are to be followed, what services are available for them, what are their rights and obligations and what kind of medical/psychosocial help is available.


The project is funded by Emergency Assistance of ISFB – Internal Security FundReception & Identification ServiceHellenic Ministry of Migration Policy

Areas of action

Lesvos and Samos Islands, Greece