
IOM, EU, and national authorities join forces to upgrade first reception infrastructures in Cyprus

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), in close coordination with the Cypriot authorities and with the support of the European Commission is undertaking the upgrading of the “Pournara” First Reception Center (FRC). 

With the aim to improve first reception and living conditions in the FRC and to better respond to the migratory pressure of recent years, the IOM, the EU, and the competent authorities join forces in undertaking the necessary construction and maintenance works, to ensure safe and dignified temporary accommodation for migrants arriving in Cyprus but also to upgrade the pace of first reception procedures.

Aligned with EU standards, up to 1,240 accommodation places are foreseen, through the installation of prefabricated units ensuring adequate living and sanitary conditions, the necessary infrastructure for the screening, identification, and registration of newly arrived migrants, and communal spaces for activities aimed to improve the short stay of the center’s residents.

In addition, a temporary accommodation facility with 984 places is scheduled to be constructed, where migrants will stay temporarily while works in the main FRC are ongoing.

"Ιn IΟΜ's experience, a contemporary reception system with functional facilities is an integral part of effective migration management. Thanks to the EU and the Cypriot authorities we will be able to enhance and upgrade a first reception facility, which will support Cyprus in dealing effectively with their migration flows and will ensure dignified first reception conditions for migrants”, said Gianluca Rocco, Chief of IOM Mission in Greece

IOM under the Action, ‘’Upgrade of the First Reception Centre in Cyprus (POURNARA 2023),’’ funded by the Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME), the procurement purchase, delivery, and installation of equipment and furniture to be used for the newly refurbished areas will be ensured.