
Launching of the “Rightlines: Drawing fundamental rights policies and actions at the Greek and Cypriot borders”

The International Organization for Migration, the Greek Ministry of Migration and Asylum, through the Fundamental Rights Officer, and the Cyprus Police, launched today the EU–funded project “Rightlines: Drawing fundamental rights policies and actions at the Greek and Cypriot borders”.

The activity aims to ensure that migration flows and cross–border mobility are in full compliance with fundamental rights and are well managed with dignity, safety, and security of all people on the move, including children and vulnerable migrants.

“Facilitating orderly and humane migration is at the heart of IOM’s mandate and vision. Under the Rightlines project, we are working in close cooperation with Greek and Cypriot authorities to strengthen and streamline the protection and promotion of fundamental rights in border management activities. These efforts will strengthen humane, non–discriminatory, and gender–responsive responses that ensure the human rights, dignity, safety, and security of all those on the move”, said Gianluca Rocco, Chief of IOM Mission in Greece.

“A successful migration policy needs to be both effective against irregular flows and humane according to the European values. We are humanitarian but we are not naive”, said Dimitris Kairidis, Minister of Migration and Asylum.

"The Rightlines project represents an important step forward in the EU's mission to manage migration with humanity and precision. By fostering collaboration between the IOM, Greece, and Cyprus, we are contributing to a border management that not only respects but actively promotes fundamental rights, ensuring a dignified and fair approach for all. This initiative is a testament to our collective commitment to upholding the EU's core values at our borders", mentioned Beate Gminder, Acting Director-General of DG HOME, European Commission.


A series of border management activities in Greece and Cyprus are foreseen under the action. They will include training and education of frontline staff in Greece and Cyprus on fundamental rights compliance, awareness raising and exchanging of good practices between Greece and Cyprus. A research will be also conducted towards the development and eventually the implementation of a Fundamental Rights Strategy and an action plan in Greece.

“The development and implementation of a national Fundamental Rights Strategy and a corresponding Action Plan in Greece will form a solid basis and a point of reference in the country, for the effective protection and promotion of fundamental rights and will serve as valuable tools in the EU's effort towards a coherent integrated border management framework, in full compliance with fundamental rights”, said Konstantinos Solkidis, Fundamental Rights Officer of the Ministry and Migration and Asylum.

“Taking into consideration its constitutional role in safeguarding human rights and preventing and combating discrimination, Cyprus Police makes continuous and coordinated efforts to fulfil its obligations of combating criminality with respect for citizens' human rights”, said Deputy Director, of the Finance Directorate of Cyprus Police, Chryso Angeli.

Saving lives and protecting people on the move is at the heart of IOM's new strategic plan, combined with driving solutions to displacement and facilitating pathways for regular migration, which will help migration become safer and more orderly and dismantle the incentives for smuggling, trafficking, exploitation, and abuse.


Find more about the project here

For more information please kind Christine Nikolaidou, IOM Greece