My name is Cedrick Diyavova and I am 26 years old. I was born and raised in DRC, where I used to live with my family, my wife and my twin boys. About two years ago, me and my family found ourselves in the middle of political conflict and, following certain episodes in my hometown, I had to leave my city and my loved ones. I had to do so, since I was no longer feeling safe. Then, my journey began. I was on my own but hoping for the best. What kept me going was the hope of arriving someplace where I would be free to express myself, without endangering myself or my family.

After a lot of hardships, I arrived at the port of Lesvos in November 2018. I stayed at the camp of Moria for about 3 weeks before I was transferred to another location that was closer to Athens. Since then, I have been staying in organized facilities, through IOM’s Filoxenia program and taking language courses regularly. I participate in Greek and English classes, while I am also learning how to manage my time and priorities effectively. I want to make the most of the activities provided, and my goal is to combine them with my interests. My greatest passion is sculpture, especially using wood and metal. I also love ceramic sculpture and painting.

Sculpture has been my passion from a young age. Soon I realized that I was talented, that it was like a charisma, an innate gift. At first, I tried it for fun and as time went by, I was getting better and better. Now, my art has meaning. I want to convey messages through my creations: human dignity, freedom, living beings and nature. These themes are at the center of my art. When I use wood for my sculptures, I create minimal designs with inherent symbolism. Metal serves another purpose. I use it to make sculptures of birds, cats and dogs, eagles. I am inspired both from domestic animals and from endangered species.

This is my gift and my passion. I want to keep on working on it. Especially in Athens, where there are plenty of options and opportunities for me, both in quantity and in quality!