Description: Through this project, IOM is supporting the transfer of a total of 236 unaccompanied and separated children (the beneficiaries) – identified by the UK authorities, in coordination with the French, Greek and Italian authorities – to the United Kingdom.

Objective: To deliver on the following activities to support the transfer of the beneficiaries to the UK, keeping in mind the particular vulnerabilities and protection needs of the caseload in line with IOM’s protection policies and guidelines:

  • Participate in the Best Interest Determination (BID) Panel in Greece, along with the National Centre for Social Solidarity and UNHCR. IOM Greece also supports the BID process through the preparation of the Best Interest Assessment (BIA) Report, which it submits to the Prosecutor for Minors (the provisional legal guardian of unaccompanied minors) for them to complete the applicant’s best interest determination. IOM France and IOM Italy are not involved in a BID or BIA process in their respective countries.
  • Implement, in close coordination with the relevant stakeholders at the national and local level, pre-departure health assessments (PDHAs), pre-embarkation health checks (fitness-to-travel/PECs) and other medical activities for project beneficiaries, in accordance with the UK Health Protocol developed by IOM and Public Health England in coordination with various stakeholders such as National Health Service (NHS).
  • Provide pre-departure orientation (PDO) sessions and pre-embarkation briefings for the beneficiaries. PDO sessions will be aimed at providing background information about the UK, reception, support, integration and other services that will be available upon arrival. The information provided is designed to address beneficiaries’ concerns and expectations regarding assistance during their first couple of weeks following transfer to the UK. IOM will provide details about travel arrangements and in-flight safety procedures.
  • Arrange the safe, orderly and organized travel (including internal transfer arrangements in the host country) of all individuals to the port of entry/or final destination in the UK as well as handover to post-arrival service providers. A qualified IOM staff member will escort all beneficiaries to the final destination in the UK throughout the travel; medical escorts will accompany those beneficiaries in need of such services.

UK, French, Greek and Italian authorities

Target group(s)



The project is funded by